Book Julie

Key areas of focus & expertise include (sample content here):
•basic and advanced climate competency- building
•reuse as a scalable climate adaptation & mitigation strategy
•environmentally ethical commerce systems & supply chains
•planning a good life within an ethical carbon budget (and then, making it happen!)
•best practices for reuse & recycling (and how to differentiate the two)
•calculating CO2-e without big fancy corporate tools (just a big fancy calculator)
•demystifying consumption (objective #1: make sure the costs aren't front loaded).
•social maturity for grownups (what is it, and why does it matter?)
•consent as a constant in healthy social systems (and again, why does this matter?)
•social norms we can and should ignore (or, flipping the script to celebrate the reclamation of time and dollars).
•we deserve to feel good about our choices (and here's how!)
•carbon coaching intensive
•ethical downsizing
•a new mental model for taking personal responsibility of our stuff – and its impact.